He may not specialize in leading units of the same kind, yet he can be a great commander for infantry attacks and proves to be hugely efficient with a supportive secondary commander or mixed troops. Ragnar is a versatile commander, especially in open fields, and can thwart and destroy anything that comes up his path. So it will be interesting to see how he will perform.

Also, a great thing about Ragnar Lodbrok is that he is a normal attack commander without skills. Ragnar Lodbrok needs more testing from top accounts in Rise Of Kingdoms. You have a lot of other legendary commanders that are better.

In my opinion, it is not if you are free to play player, Ragnar Lodbrok is for pay to win player. Great thing is that Ragnar Lodbrok can use any type of troops so you can pair him with any rise of kingdoms commander.

With Attila, you can rally cities and objectives in KVK and AOO. That is why Atilla is still a better choice. The only usage that you will find for him is for attacking enemy cities. Ragnar Lodbrok is a great commander but still, Attila is stronger than him and most of the pro-ROK players do not use him. In short, he is surely a great commander. Then there are passive skills like ‘The Raven,’ which helps him increase his attacks and reduces the chance of the enemy to heal. He also doesn’t have any skill damage quality, but with active skill like ‘Power of King he cannot come to any harm or damage, but at the same time, his troops suffer a reduction of damage by 30%. He is one of the very best Vikings in the ROK game.Īlthough he does not possess any healing effect yet, he can be an excellent choice for suitable pairing and good when players form alliances with another civilization. He also strengthens his troops and energizes them when in Rally. His talents like healing effects reduction and constant attack buffs make him one of the best in open battles. He is also specialized in leading all types of units in Rise of Kingdoms which gives him an edge over the others. He is an excellent and ferocious commander for Rally, Open-Field, and attacking cities. Ragnar Lodbrok is perhaps the most feared Viking with huge talent that he often unleashes in the battle against his enemies. ★☆☆☆☆ Defending Cities Ragnar Lodbrok Guide